DUIKEN & TAUCHEN magazine is the biggest online and print diving platform in Europe. Together we cover Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. If you’d like to promote your liveaboard to 704.480 European divers, this is your chance! We offer several packages; print, print and online or online campaigns only.


How does it work?

The best way to promote your liveaboard, is to send over a team. They will experience life on board, the diving etc. All will be featured at social media and in print and/or online blogs.

The facts of TAUCHEN and DUIKEN magazine per month:

Reach 704.480
Page views 584.480
Unique visitors 120,762
Facebook 46.588
Instagram 20.075
Newsletter 42.000


This is how our print magazine looks like (DUIKEN):

What would we need to promote your liveaboard:

  • Accommodation 2 persons (editor & photographer), full board (also 1 person possible, but aks for possibilities)
  • Transfer from and to the airport
  • Nitrox included
  • Participating media budget starting price: 1.500 US Dollar. The amount can be spread throughout the year.

How can you participate?

You have several options how to participate in this amazing campaign.

Package A: Dutch & Belgium market

  • Fully description in the minimum 5 pages magazine travel report in DUIKEN Magazine about your liveaboard (how is the liveaboard? How is the diving? Facilities? Etc). A QR-code will be added to you website at the end of the article. Please see an example of a liveaboard article in the magazine above, starting from page 20.
  • ‘Making of campaign’ at all DUIKEN socials. During their stay the team will post every two days at Facebook and Instagram. Topics will be: liveaboard, diving, food, etc. All posts will include your desired hashtags
  • Publication of your travel story at duiken.nl
  • 1x Facebookpost DUIKEN
  • 1x Instagrampost DUIKEN
  • 1x Newsletterpost DUIKEN
  • 1/4 page print advertisement in DUIKEN Magazine in month of choice
  • Mediabudget: Price: Only 1.500 US Dollar instead of 9.146 US Dollar
Anderen lezen ook:  Saronde Island in onontdekt Sulawesi

PACKAGE B: Blog campaign Dutch & Belgium market

  • 3x blog at duiken.nl with different topics about your liveaboard
  • #nameaccommodation with all our posts on socials during the making of at DUIKEN Facebook and Instagram
  • 3x 1/4 page print advertisement with QR-code to blog + 1 for FREE
  • 3x Facebookpost DUIKEN with link to blog
  • 3x Instagrampost DUIKEN with link to blog
  • 3x Newsletterpost DUIKEN with link to blog
  • Mediabudget: 1.538 US Dollar instead of 9.146 US Dollar

To see an example of a blog, please see Travel Story liveaboard Socorro. 

Optional upgrade with TAUCHEN Magazine (Germany)

Please note: these prices are on top of package A and B and not separated available as it is a special combination price. Discounts are already included.


Upgrade to TAUCHEN Price USD
Online Travel Story at website + FB + Insta 1.990
Travel Story print magazine (4 pages) + website + FB + Insta 3.400


Questions or do you want to participate?

Send an e-mail to Patrick Kranenbroek, patrick@duiken.nl