We are looking for two hosting partners. The focus will be on showcasing the diving holiday experience at your resort in our magazine and/or our online diving platforms. We’ll explore aspects such as the quality of the resort, the diving experience, and also cover non-diving activities. Additionally, we’ll discuss the experience of bringing (non-diving) kids to your accommodation of desired.

The facts of TAUCHEN and DUIKEN magazine per month:

Reach 704.480
Page views 584.480
Unique visitors 120,762
Facebook 46.588
Instagram 20.075
Newsletter 42.000


This is how our print magazine looks like (DUIKEN):

What would we need to promote your accommodation:

  • Accommodation 3 persons (2 parents + 1 kid), full board for 6 nights in the period between April 20 till 4 May 2024
  • Transfer from or to airport (depending of the dates of stay)
  • Dive package 2 persons + 1 snorkeler/ try dive (or in cooperation with a dive center nearby)
  • Participating media budget starting price: 1.638 US Dollar. The amount can be spread throughout the year.

Each accommodation will be featured in a different month or issue of your choice, presenting a comprehensive travel story in either print, vlog or blog format.


How can you participate?

You have several options how to participate in this amazing campaign. We have made special prices for our two hosting partners:

Package A: Dutch & Belgium market

  • Fully description in the minimum 7 pages magazine travel report in DUIKEN Magazine about your resort & diving with you (how is the stay? How is the diving? Facilities? Etc). A QR-code will be added to you website at the end of the article
  • ‘Making of campaign’ at all DUIKEN socials. During their stay the team will post every two days at Facebook and Instagram. Topics will be: accommodation, diving, food, dive center, etc. All posts will include your desired hashtags
  • Publication of your travel story at duiken.nl
  • 1x Facebookpost DUIKEN
  • 1x Instagrampost DUIKEN
  • 1x Newsletterpost DUIKEN
  • 1/4 page print advertisement in DUIKEN Magazine in month of choice
  • Mediabudget: Price: Only 1.638 US Dollar instead of 9.146 US Dollar

An example of the first spread of a travel report in the Philippines.

PACKAGE B: Vlog campaign Dutch & Belgium market 

  • Video log about your accommodation including diving and things to do on land in Dutch (English subtitles possible for additional price)
  • #nameaccommodation with all our posts on socials during the making of at DUIKEN Facebook and Instagram
  • 1/2 page print advertisement with QR-code to vlog
  • 1x Facebookpost DUIKEN with link to vlog
  • 1x Instagrampost DUIKEN with link to vlog
  • 1x Newsletterpost DUIKEN with link to vlog
  • 1/4 page print advertisement in DUIKEN Magazine in month of choice
  • Mediabudget: 1.938 US Dollar instead of 12.005 US Dollar
Anderen lezen ook:  Promotional campaign liveaboard

Example of a video log in The Maldives with English subtitles.

PACKAGE C: Blog campaign Dutch & Belgium market

  • 3x blog at duiken.nl with different topics about your resort
  • #nameaccommodation with all our posts on socials during the making of at DUIKEN Facebook and Instagram
  • 3x 1/4 page print advertisement with QR-code to blog
  • 3x Facebookpost DUIKEN with link to blog
  • 3x Instagrampost DUIKEN with link to blog
  • 3x Newsletterpost DUIKEN with link to blog
  • 1/4 page print advertisement in DUIKEN Magazine in month of choice
  • Mediabudget: 1.638 US Dollar instead of 9.146 US Dollar

To see an example of a blog, please see Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach at The Bahamas. 

Optional upgrade with TAUCHEN Magazine (Germany)

Please note: these prices are on top of package A, B or C and not separated available as it is a special combination price. Discounts are already included.

Upgrade to TAUCHEN Price USD
Online Travel Story at website + FB + Insta 1.077
Travel Story print magazine + website + FB + Insta 2.154
Vlog with German subtitles + website 1072
Vlog with German subtitles + website + FB + Insta 1.610
Vlog with English subtitles 533


Questions or do you want to participate?

Send an e-mail to Judith Rietveld, judith@duiken.nl

Want to know more about our reach and target group?

mediabrochure 2024 Duiken_EN